Anchored 4 Life

The students in Anchored4Life strive to create a positive inviting atmosphere for those new to our school community.  Club activities include providing school tours, recognizing different groups on campus, and assisting with transitioning resources in a student led environment.  We want all students at Sims to be Patriot Strong.

Sponsors: Ms. Godwin, Mrs. Nguyen & Mrs. Runyon

Click here to learn more about Anchored 4 Life in Middle School

7th & 8th Grade Beta Club

Junior Beta Club is the middle school chapter of the National Honor Society.  It is a leadership and service-oriented organization.  The club motto is “Let us lead by serving others.”  The Beta students work very hard to maintain Beta’s standards.  Each member is required to maintain a 4 A, 2 B average or better, have no discipline referrals and complete at least 2 service hours each month.  These students put on and participate in school projects as well as volunteer in the community.  In the past these students have put on school food drives, collected gifts for angel trees, organized campus and community clean-ups, prepared meals at Ronald McDonald House, raised money and awareness for children with cancer and many other truly inspiring projects.  We hope membership in Beta club will help to cultivate tomorrow’s leaders and give these students special recognition for their hard work and perseverance.  It is our desire to teach these Beta’s that a true leader thinks of others before themselves.
Sponsors work hard to make sure our service projects have multiple avenues of participation that do not put a drain on parent time and resources.  Students always have opportunities available to meet their monthly service hours requirements at school in a variety of different ways.  Service project information is given to students at monthly meetings that take place at 7:00 am in the media center before school.  Students are required to attend monthly meetings and participate in school service projects.  Should a student miss a meeting, it is their responsibility as honor students and leaders to check with in with sponsors as soon as they return to school and to get the meeting information.  This year, meeting agendas for both 7th and 8th grade students will also be posted on TEAMS for students who are absent on meeting days.  Monthly meeting schedules can be found on TEAMS.
7th Grade Sponsors: Ms. Heim, Mr. Gregson & Mrs. Ulm
8th Grade Sponsors: Mrs. Cauldwell, Mr. Melton & Mrs. McGuire

Take A Stand

Take a Stand club is the anti-bullying club at Sims Middle.  They meet once a month before school in the media center. They promote anti-bullying behavior, show videos that foster inclusion and do things throughout the year promoting the values of our club.  All grade levels are welcome and you can join at any time of the year just by coming and participating at our meetings.
Sponsors: Renee Goodson & Katelynn Cutchens

Student Government (SGA)

The SGA is an organization that serves the entire student body by sponsoring and organizing activities ranging from service projects to school spirit activities and dances. The SGA consists of 7th & 8th grade students who have demonstrated the ability to maintain positive leadership skills.  They are responsible for fostering a strong relationship between the students, faculty, and administration and they play a major role in building school spirit
Sponsors: Mrs. Williams & Mrs. Petrovits

First Priority

First Priority is a student-initiated, student-led Christian club that is open to all students who are interested in supporting one another in the Christian faith.  Meetings are held each Wednesday from 1:35 – 2:15 in the cafeteria.

Sponsors: Mrs. Bragg & Mrs. Ulm

Chess Club

​For the 2022-2023 school year, the Chess Club will be open to all students. Sims Chess Club members meet after school twice a month to learn the game, discuss strategies, and play against each other. The emphasis of the club is on learning the fundamental rules, as well as learning good sportsmanship and fair play.

Sponsors: Mrs. Gullickson & Mrs. Smith

Art Club

National Art Honor Society chapters magnify the innovation, skill, and scholarship that visual arts programs and students bring to their school and community. The NJAHS is an after-school opportunity that is available to all students who are eligible. Students must maintain an "A" in Art and "B"s in all other courses. (There is a $5 annual fee.) Students do not need to be in the Art program to participate.

We meet after school once a month and offer an opportunity to create and work with materials that may be otherwise unavailable to students. Our goal is to provide a deeper look into the various arts.
Sponsors: Mrs. Dinwiddie & Mrs. Nguyen

For more info:

Cross Country

See "Athletics" tab for more info.

Sims Middle PE offers a Cross Country Club. This club is focused more on racing and training for improvement. Sign up in the spring to receive a summer running schedule. Sign ups again briefly at the beginning of school. Meetings are after school.

Sponsors: Coach Runyon

Travel Club

Travel club is an opportunity for 7th & 8th grade students to participate in educational travel to destinations often with significant historical relevance.  Past trips have included Boston and Washington, D.C. where students experienced the Freedom Trail, The Battle of Lexington and Concord, The Boston Tea Party, Library of Congress, and many of the memorials such as Lincoln, MLK, and Roosevelt. The club meets once a month to learn about our destinations prior to travel. Students are responsible for researching and presenting a topic of interest that we will visit.

Sponsors: Ms. Godwin

Patriot Debaters

Patriot Debaters is a co-curricular elective class.  Students compete in speech and debate tournaments that allow them to earn merit points in the National Speech and Debate Association Honor Society.  Students learn Dramatic and Humorous Performance, Oratory, and Declamation as well as Congressional, Policy, Public forum and Lincoln-Douglas debating.  Debate team is looking for performers, public speakers and debaters who are willing to work hard and enjoy competition.

Sponsor: Mrs. Carter

Hope Squad

Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer suicide prevention program. Hope Squad members are nominated by their classmates as trustworthy peers and trained by advisors. The program reduces youth suicide through education, training, and peer intervention.

Sponsors: Ms. Vermillion, Mrs. Goodson, Mrs. Wolff-Miller