Step 1

Set Up Your Focus Parent Portal

Add your student to your portal.

Step 2

Come visit us at Sims Middle School to enroll. Please be sure to bring the documents listed below.

All of the following documents are required to enroll a new student:

  1. Copy of student's birth certificate.

  2. Proof of residence. Examples of acceptable proof of residence: Utility bill or signed lease agreement. NOTICE: Driver's License is NOT acceptable.

  3. Florida Certification of Immunization, Form DH-680. This form must be acquired from a health care provider. School Immunization Requirements on the FL Department of Health's website. Notice that there are differing requirements:

    • Students entering 6th grade must provide proof of 2nd MMR vaccine.
    • Students entering 7th or 8th grade must provide proof of: 2nd MMR vaccine and Hepatitis B vaccination series and Tdap vaccine.
  4. Florida School Entry Health Exam, Form DH-3040. Click here to download form from the FL Department of Health's web site (PDF format). A student entering a Florida school for the first time must have a physical examination by a physician within the first 30 days of school. Documentation from the physician must be submitted to the school within 30 days of enrollment.

  5. Withdrawal form or report card from previous school.

  6. If student is an exceptional student: Copy of current Individual Education Plan (IEP).

  7. If student is not living with both biological parents: Copy of custody paperwork.

  8. Parent/Guardian’s driver’s license to be scanned and placed on file with front office.